AC Class 9 (Linked List)
Class Recording: Link
Mentor: Prakhar Gupta
Topics Covered
- Linked List Data Structure
- Visualization
- Traversal of Linked List
- Insertion at Beginning/Ending
- Deletion at Beginning/Ending
- Few Problems
- Find Middle of the Linked List
- Detect Loop in Linked List
Lecture Notes : Click Here
One More LL Notes : Click Here
Practice Problems
- Reverse Linked List
- Add 2 numbers represented by Linked List (Amazon)
- Add One
- Delete without Head Pointer
Level up
- Find Middle of Linked List
- Delete Middle
- Detect Loop
- Remove Loop
- Nth Node from end of linked List
- Pallindrome in Linked List(Important)
If you have any queries, feel free to contact any of the Application Club Leads.